Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 2019

Review of iOS Architectural Pattern for Testability, Modifiability, anderformance Quality

In the mobile development especially in iOS, a correct selection of architecture patterns is crucial. Many architectural patterns used by developers such as Model View Controller (MVC), Model View Presenter (MVP), Model View ViewModel (MVVM), and View Interactor Presenter Entity Router (VIPER) have promised stability of the product. Nowadays, most developers tend to use MVC architectural pattern as this pattern is easy to use and separate the logic between model, view and controller. However, this architecture has common problems which are hard to test and manage the code because all the codes for business application are placed in controller components. Therefore, this paper reviewed some of the existing architectural patterns qualities specifically in testability, modifiability and performance quality in order to investigate the mentioned problems. By using Contact mobile apps as a case study, the results show the MVVM architecture is good for testability, modifiability (cohesion level procedural), and performance (memory consumption). In addition, VIPER is the best in modifiability (coupling level data and coupling level message) and performance of CPU.